



首先,MinIO是兼容Amazon S3的,换句话说,MinIO可以伪装成Amazon S3,你可以用Amazon S3的SDK操作MinIO。



To get a really resilient storage cloud, service discovery needs to be implemented.

Expected Behavior

Minio should be able to use some service discovery system, such as etcd or similar, and fetch siblings from there instead of needing to hardcode them in the cli of settings.

Current Behavior

Minio needs a hardcoded list of siblings: minio server http://minio1:9000/export http://minio2:9000/export

Possible Solution

minio server --etcd=http://etcd

... And watch for changes there.


I'm trying to use the full poder of docker swarm, being able to scale up or down a replicated service, and exposing just one port to the network routing mesh.

Bucket and config discovery is a work in progress as part of federation work to discover many deployments.

Individual deployment units of Minio are always expected to be proper command line options - it is very much part of the design and this is not going to change.

May I ask why? It doesn't seem to be an extremely hard feature and it seems to align well with the project philosophy IMHO. Thanks.

May I ask why? It doesn't seem to be an extremely hard feature and it seems to align well with the project philosophy IMHO. Thanks.

It adds an unneeded dependency, the design philosophy of Minio is to keep the most common deployments simple and predictable. Minio is deployed in static deployment units and each such units are completely isolated from each other.

etcd is required only when all of these different deployment units need to federate which is why we will be introducing a way to manage multiple creds across many deployments, global bucket awareness etc.

But then, adding the node nº 101 to a 100-node cluster means changing CLI on the other 100, isn't it? While just letting nodes be autodiscovered is more a Plug&play approach, while still not having to remove the current feature set, of course.
In a big, dynamic, cloud deployment, this very little piece of the puzzle means a lot of manual work...
Or maybe I didn't understand clearly what you mean with "multiple creds across many deployments, global bucket awareness" 🤔

But then, adding the node nº 101 to a 100-node cluster means changing CLI on the other 100, isn't it? While just letting nodes be autodiscovered is more a Plug&play approach, while still not having to remove the current feature set, of course.

Minio doesn't allow adding 100 to 101 - there is no dynamic expansion. If you started with 100 it stays 100 forever, you can potentially start a new 100. This is one of the reason why we never require etcd.

etcd is only useful when there are dynamic floating entities that is the case for buckets, multiple credentials which will be provided in the federation.

Minio doesn't allow adding 100 to 101 - there is no dynamic expansion. If you started with 100 it stays 100 forever, you can potentially start a new 100. This is one of the reason why we never require etcd.

Oh Ok, I get it now clearly 😉

However that's a very weird design decision... Scalability is not on the project's roadmap? How can somebody know all the disk space he will need forever? And why pay for that since the start, when you still don't need it?

Certainly Minio's features are great, but this one decision feels like narrowing its purpose for non-serious business, don't you think?... 🤔

However that's a very weird design decision... Scalability is not on the project's roadmap? How can somebody know all the disk space he will need forever? And why pay for that since the start, when you still don't need it?

Certainly Minio's features are great, but this one decision feels like narrowing its purpose for non-serious business, don't you think?.

Making a single large PB sized volume where the disks and nodes are managed like a blackbox by the filesystem is quite scary. Any crash means we blew up all the tenants at once. 1000s of individual minio tenants means, I know when I add the million'th minio instance, it is not any more complex than the first instance of Minio. Provisioning with k8 or external orchestration tools is better than Minio's own resource management system. When it comes to the applications, objects are just represented as URLs. Some data sitting on Amazon S3 and some on Minio makes no difference to the application. With this principle in mind Minio is designed for scalability, you scale in smaller scalable units.





  1. 通常采用最小4节点部署,磁盘容量设置不宜过大和过小,根据业务评估适中即可。每个节点的IP挂负载均衡。

  2. 文件多的系统,单独使用一套,其他系统可以共用一套。

  3. 留一套容量适中的MinIO集群备用,在应用的配置中,可以根据指令,随时启用这个备集群。



    其他的分布式存储,我接触得很少,也不好比较。就拿我熟悉的FastDFS来说吧,FastDFS很弱鸡,客户端很难用 ,小规模使用,服务端也还算稳定,但是遇到一些问题,几乎没办法解决,没人维护,作者也不更新。总之,有了这一年多的使用经验,我应该不会推荐任何团队在任何环境使用FastDFS。相反,MinIO是更好的选择。


    另外,MinIO相关的对比和说明,参见我的这篇文章《分布式文件存储MinIO SeaweedFS FastDFS对比总结》。

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